How To Create A Free Portfolio Website For Freelancing With Blogger Fast!

 if you want to work as a freelancer  online it's a must to have a portfolio   in this video i will show you step by step in  less than 20 minutes how to create an awesome   portfolio like this one and boost your freelancing  career online stay tuned and follow up with me hi everyone i'm hasan from h-educate  and today i'm so excited to publish   this new awesome tutorial on how to create a free  totally free portfolio website with blogger. com   just one question now imagine you are a client  and you are asking and contacting a freelancer   for a project the first thing you ask is his  portfolio his work his experience so it's very   nice to have a portfolio a simple link you send  to your client and he can see your work and give   him some trust before working together so let's  start together and build this awesome portfolio   in less than 20 minutes but before please don't  forget subscribe now to my channel and like the   video to get every new update almost every day  okay friends so the first step is to have a gmail   account i think you already have one so simply  open your browser and go to a website called   blogger. com this company is by google so you will  see this simple screen what you are going to do   simply is click on create a blog that simple  and now you need to name it i will say now   my port my portfolio and click on next and now  it will tell you to enter the url the address   it's like a domain of your blog now we will go  with a free name from blogspot so i will say like   my name now and while you are writing it will tell  you if this address exists or not so now with tell   me it doesn't exist i will say like very nice so  this address exists this is my user anything you   want write your name here whatever and check if  it's available that's simple and click on save   now our blog our website will be created so  simple now click on view blog to view our website   and here is our portfolio the empty  website that's simple now the next step   is to update or to change the theme of the website  okay so let's go back here and then click on theme   and simply now click on this small arrow here  and click on restore so we can get a custom theme click now on upload and now on my desktop i have  this portfolio theme you will find this attached   description below just download it and get this  theme you'll find this xml file just click on it   and now the theme will be restored and updated  very nice it now shows a custom modified theme   click on this now view blog let's refresh  and now let's see this awesome design you see   we have this awesome portfolio let's  navigate down about me services portfolio   get a free code we have a link here we have a  contact form so it's a full portfolio website   in just one minute now we need just to edit some  stuff inside the website and you will be ready to   publish it online so let's start you see here hi  i am and this is the sample name john smith so you   need to change this and replace it with your name  what you are going to do is simply just copy this   john smith ctrl c copy it and go back to blogger  theme options go here and click on edit html   that's simple now the html editor will open  don't worry you are not going to code anything   just ctrl f to find something you see the  search bar here and simply here write down   joan smith which is this name here and go down  you will see it's highlighted automatically   what you are going to do simply is change the  name so just say in my case my name save it now go to my portfolio website refresh and now hi  i am hasan so you can see i changed the name this   is how you can edit any text in the website just  get the text you want and search for it here and   then you can change it now you can see here i am  a blogger this effect this really awesome effect i   am a creator photographer whatever you want change  to add your skills or your domain what you work in   so let's go back to template and you will  see here data type list under your name just   edit those so i will say i am a content creator  as an example and a programmer that's simple   save it and let's go back and refresh and  now you can see i am a content creator   it will say now i am an online instructor  so whatever you want you can edit them here   and you will see that the template will  be updated directly i think it's so simple   just edit the text inside the code now if you  go back we have these social links so it's very   important to link to your social media accounts  and profiles or whatever you want from this   portfolio so how to make these links clickable so  if one clicks on facebook facebook profile will   open a click on twitter and so on i will show  you one example and you can do everything else   you can see here the facebook icon let's go back  to template if you go here down header social   links everything is simple and described you will  see here f facebook you just need to replace this   hashtag with your facebook profile so i will  get my facebook profile i will open facebook   let's say my facebook page i will get  this profile this link and just paste it   here that simple so the url now of facebook  of my facebook page is here click on save and let's go back and refresh and now you will  notice when you hover over this icon you can open   facebook look at the link open it and facebook  my facebook page will open now that's simple   now you may ask how to make this link open in  a new tab and don't open on the same portfolio   website in the same tab simply go back here and  you can add this just beside this add target   is equal to underscore blank that's simple  say save and let's go back refresh click on   now facebook and you can see it opens another tab  in this way you can keep the user on your website   or on your portfolio so i think the idea is simple  on how to change text and how to change links and   so on so let's continue you see this little icon  here or button if you click on it it will move   automatically to the about me section and the  theme automatically creates this menu here to   navigate between sections it's really a cool theme  you can just create it in only one or two minutes   so you see the about me section there's an  image there's this name here there's some   contact information website skills whatever so i  think now you are familiar how to edit the text   anyway so let's say you want to add this name  here john doe so go back here and simply click   inside the template and click on ctrl f  or press ctrl f and then search for john   doe this name and you will see here we are now in  the page content in the personal title john doe   this is the about section you see here the  about section it's so simple and clear and   organized in a way you can directly identify  sections so just rename this again i will enter   my name and here and here you can see this  text here it's a sample text it appears here   here you can enter some information about you a  small bio as an example or whatever in my case   i will just delete this and paste my small bio so  if i go here to my website my about section i have   this small bio i will copy it of course you need  to write your own bio and then go back here and   paste it in this section say save and  let's go back to portfolio and refresh it   let's see now what will happen this is the about  section this is my name and this is my own bio   that's simple now we need to change this the  contact information again go back to template   and you'll see them all here you can change  them i don't want to waste your time now editing   everything i think the idea is somehow so simple  just read the text save and refresh and everything   will be fine i want to show you now another  tip about changing these progress bar as an   example you can add your skills here and add this  progress bar effect to see how much is your skill   is like you are professional or maybe a beginner  or whatever so i will show you how to edit this   one here so let's go back to template and go  down and you will see here in this section   progress bar area you will see the web design  it's 90% if you go here back it's a web design   90% what you are going to do to edit this simply  is let's say you want to make this uh 65% simply   go here to progress bar under it and set the width  to 65% that's simple save and see this now will   become 65 here refresh and awesome it's 65.

so  this is how you can also change the progress bar   percentage you can do this on whatever skills you  want you can add more progress bars if you want   just by copying this section copy let's say ctrl c  and ctrl v in this way and add and add this uh new   skill you say like 80% here and 80% here save it  now we'll have a new progress bar refresh you can   see the new skill so this is how you can add a  progress bar at a skill in this about me section   that simple now you may be wondering how to  change images like this one you want to add   your image or my image in my case so how to  change this image let's go back to template   and you will see here the avatar you can see  profile photo and this is the image here you need   to change the source image so if you get this link  let's see this copy this url and open your browser   enter and this is the image you see so simply you  need to change this image you need to upload an   image somewhere on the internet and change the  url here now what's nice is that you can do this   inside blogger and upload an image inside the  blogger how let's go back to our main menu and go   to posts say new post we will not write  anything just click on this image icon   and click upload from computer let's wait  a little bit and now i will choose a file   go to my desktop i will select my image here is my  image a sample image and click on select and here   we are okay so what is the url of this image just  click on it and you will see now this is the url   copy it and let's go and paste it here and  this is the image you see it's somehow small   it's okay just copy this url and go again to  my menu here to my theme and then edit html   again and i want to go to the section photo i  will search for my name let's go down and here   we are and this is again the image just change  this ctrl v save let's go up here and refresh and you will see now there's my image it's somehow  blurry because it's small resolution it's okay but   this is how you can change the image and upload  it to a blogger i think also it's so simple just   upload get the url and change the source image  url inside the template code that's it this is how   you can edit the about me section let's go down  here we have the services the idea is the same   let's say you want to change this text here go  back to template go down go down and you will   find the services section you will find here is  the awesome feature and this is the description   you can just change this text and save and update  this services section that's it and as a small   note if you want to remove a full section as an  example here is the services section you can just   select it this way select it and you can see  services section and just remove it and save and then refresh again and you'll see now we don't have  a services section so it's gone   let's go back and undo our work and keep  the services section and let's go back and here we are that's it you see please anytime  you feel there's something unclear you need help   anything you want just comment down below and  i will try my best to answer all your questions   any problem you face just comment it below and  i'll try my best to help you so let's go down   now we have this counters that gives really a  nice impression on your portfolio like how many   projects you've done how many facebook likes you  have whatever so in the same way you can also just   go copy this number 310 go down here and you'll  you'll see the counter section there's 310   you see completed projects you just edit  them also and save i don't want to waste more   time on this it's the same concept just edit  save and refresh and you'll have the updated   theme that's simple here i have a small note about  the portfolio you can see here we don't have any   post so here you can show your projects whatever  you have you can show here in this section   how to do this let's see together simply go back  to our dashboard here go back and here you need to   create a new post that simple new post and let's  say now i wanna show a project i did let's say my   application i created H-supertools a free digital  marketing so let's say i created and developed H-supertools. com that's simple and  this is the website H-supertools. com   by the way if you don't know H-supertools it's a  free platform for seo and digital marketing tools   you'll find a lot of free tools to help you  grow online so anyway i will open my pc and   go to the snipping tool to get a screenshot  let's say this is a screenshot like this   and i will save it on my desktop save okay now  let's go back to my portfolio or my post and i   will add an image the same way upload it from  my pc and i will say choose file on my desktop   this is the captured image just wait a little  bit so this is one of my projects that i want   to show on my portfolio that's it i will say  H-supertools as the name of my post and click   on publish so simply you can add your posts like  this your projects your work what you have did   before whatever you want to show to users to give  them some trust and to show your work so that's   it go back to my portfolio and refresh and you  will see now that H-supertools will be available   here in my portfolio this is my work what i do in  this way you can add multiple projects whatever   you did before your experiences any project you  created if you're a developer if you're a graphic   designer whatever you did you can add here as  simple post and when someone click on read more   the post will open and he can read more  about the project and comment and so on   so it's a full portfolio it's a full website for  your work it's very important as a freelancer   to have this website whenever you contact someone  you can send him this portfolio and see your work   in this way you give him some trust and you  show him that you are ready to work with him   anyway so this is how you can add the portfolio  section i think the idea is somehow simple if you   want to change anything else like the address here  telephone just change them inside your template   html code in the theme section customize here edit  html and edit whatever you want that's simple and   if you have any questions you need any help just  comment below I will be with you almost every   day so this is how you can create this awesome  portfolio okay friends so the last point in this   video is how to change the domain name you can  see here it's . blogspot.

com as a beginner you   can go with this free domain it's okay but  maybe one of you may tell me how to change   the domain i want to use my own custom domain  so now i will show you two options how to get   a free domain from some companies and how to map  this domain okay so simply if you want to change   this domain you can go to a website called  dot. tk and search for a name as an example   cs91 check availability and you can see we have  . tk, . ml, .

ga these types of domains are free   but to be honest with you i don't prefer  using such domains they have some low   reputation and not so trusted usually hackers  and spammers use these domains so don't use them   and keep the free blogspot it's better but  anyway if you want to go with a domain i   will show you now how to map your domain name to  blogspot so i will open godaddy let's go to daddy   to my domains and i will show you how to map  the domain to your blogger account so you   can access the website the portfolio  with your custom domain that simple   and you see here i have a lot of domains so you  can see i have this testing domain here i will   test with in this video so let's go back i will go  to my blogger dashboard again and go to settings   and simply go down here to publishing section you  will saw you will see the custom domain click on   it and enter it here say www and copy this ctrl  c and paste it here that simple click on save now   it will tell you that google did not verify the  ownership of this domain so how you can connect   things together how you can point your domain  to google so it can verify it it tells you here   go to dns settings and enter the following two  cnames name www destination this and name this   destination this okay so i will copy this one  the first one copy it and open godaddy again   click here on manage dns by the way if you are  using something else other than godaddy it's the   same concept just open dns management and edit  this so here i am in the dns management zone   let's wait a little bit and you can see here now  the cname www i will edit this and just rename   with this that was given by blogger save and let's  go back again to my blogger settings and get the   second name the second cname this is one this one  add cname okay this is the host and just paste the   destination here is the destination ctrl c and  paste here and save so simple now just wait like   5 minutes or 10 minutes for things to  migrate then click on save and that's it   now check this to direct to this domain and let's  copy this custom domain to here and paste it and great now we opened our portfolio  using our custom domain that's it   now my last tip for you it's important also you  see this small icon we call it the fav icon how to   change this and replace with your own icon maybe  your face maybe a special icon whatever you want   let's go back to blogger settings simply the  settings under the basic section you will   find the fav icon click on it and now you can  choose a file to upload and replace with your   default fav icon that simple so this is  how you can create this awesome portfolio   in blogger for free in less than 20 minutes it's  very important as i told you as a freelancer   as a beginner to give some trust and  to give some real value to your clients   before they get any project from you i hope  you enjoyed this video please don't forget   subscribe like and share this video and spread  knowledge all over the world see you later
