Sendiio Email marketing

  I'm gonna walk you through the email autoresponder features built into the Sen do and show you Just how powerful this platform truly is. Now remember sanyo covers Three of the biggest aspects to marketing out there. It covers facebook Messenger It covers email marketing and it covers text message marketing as well And if you jumped in during our charter members discount you got our Twitter autoresponder updates for free and our ringless voice mail update for free as well and we'll be Opening those up and adding those over the next 45 days or so Okay, so depending on when you're watching this video You're probably already got access to those or you will be getting access to those as part of your charter members purchase but now let me go ahead and talk about the email features that we built in to send your number depending on which Package, you purchased you're gonna be able to connect to send yo multiple different ways Okay, you'll be able to connect to your C panels hosting account and SMTP process and send your Emails for free with zero monthly fees by connecting to your hosting account You'll also be able to connect to premium SMTP accounts like mail jet SES mail gun things like that all the premium SMTP provider to be able to connect to any of them as well and we'll even show you in the tutorial section How you can connect to multiple different accounts and send? emails for free without any monthly fees by using these premium offers and if you upgraded to our Send your elite package, which is upgrade number two you'll be able to connect to our SMTP account and use our seasoned IP addresses by just connecting your domain and start being able to send your campaigns right away Through our servers.

Okay, so there's multiple ways depending on which package that you purchased Is the way that you're gonna go ahead and connect to it. And of course depending on which package you purchased That's the tutorial video that you're going to follow and you can see here on the left hand side We have tutorial videos for absolutely every section that we have facebook Messenger and email so, of course, you're gonna go to the email section and whichever again, Whichever package you purchased is the tutorial video you're gonna watch so you can get your send you account up and running But once you do that You're going to go ahead and come here to email list and add a new email list Click Add list up here on the right-hand side and here you can name your list Description is optional This is for your records only you're gonna select the domain that you actually connected and then fill out this information here so I'm gonna do support so that if anyone replies to my email, it's gonna go directly to my support that's gonna click Josh's more there, which is my name and that's how you Easily connect your sending source, which is in this case are going to be using my SMTP servers to process this email if you connected an SMTP account that connects to either your cPanel account or a premium SMTP provider you can select this and then select the Domain and an account that you connected to send that email from ok So you can see there since I selected that this information was automatically populated. Ok From here, you're gonna add the emails for this email list here and you can copy and paste as many emails as you want remember as part of your send your account you get access to an unlimited amount of Emails that you can import. Ok, you can also import them by using our template So if we click this check box this question mark there you can download our template file here, but of course the quickest way is probably gonna be to just Come here and paste all of your emails here ok Now another option that we have is to use a custom unsubscribe footer for your different lists You can create as many unsubscribe footers as you want if you're running multiple niches You can connect the relevant Unsubscribe footer for that niche list that you're using here.

I have my main unsub Unsubscribe footer and this ensures that you comply with other can-spam laws And give people an easy way to unsubscribe to your list Okay, so we set that up right from the beginning so that everyone is compliant So when you're setting up your list, you also ensure that anytime you mail this list this footer is Automatically added to all the emails you send to comply with all of those rules and allow people to easily unsubscribe from your list All right, you can also add additional fields here if you're you know collecting different Different information that you want to store you can add that down here as well. But once your List is ready to go. You click create and Now that list has been created. You can see here.

Here's the name the description The email that is gonna be sending from the fields, which I didn't add any and the email count for this particular list Okay, if I ever need to add more emails, okay. I can come here to manage lists And I'll be able to either Search for all of my subscribers and delete any of them Or I can come here and click the my email section come up here to the top and click Add email. Okay from here I'll be able to again type in as many emails as I'd like Or copy and paste my entire list and add them to that list that I just created or click Click Add and that's gonna be added to that list that I just created Okay, and that's how simple it is to come in here add an email list and add emails to that email list And now that that process has been done we are ready to come in here and send either a Broadcast message to that email list or create a follow-up sequence for that email list So here I am in the new broadcast section and I'm going to name this broadcast Enter the name here. Okay, the subject line Amazing new software for sale as an example Okay, I'm gonna select that list that I just created name your list and I can also select multiple lists as well Okay, I can select all my entire list Assuming that everyone is in the same niche relevant niche I can select all the lists that I want To send to and you can see since I selected for it to be sent with the SMTP that this option was automatically Populated and here is where the magic happens.

Okay, I can make this a little bit bigger here and I have a full flexible What-you-see-is-what-you-get editor to be able to style your emails as much or as little as you want it Let me copy this email here. This is for an email that I'm promoting at the moment okay, so I just copied and pasted that from a text file and from this point forward I can go ahead and Bold this okay. I can make all the text bigger I can highlight this if I want to Okay, and of course You can add a link if you want to Let's link to Google click ok Alright, and that's starting to take some good shape there. Okay, you can add another link here Alright and that's starting to look very very good there and of course if you want to get an even better idea of how it's gonna look once it hits your Subscribers inbox you can come here say send test email and enter any email you want here to be sent To that email and you'll be able to see exactly how it looks wanna get sent to the Inbox Okay, a couple of options we have here as well as to be able to save this email as a template Okay, so if you have some designing skills, you can really get creative by adding code here to this section Here you can add buttons images logos, whatever you want you can use all of these options here and add absolutely anything that you want to this email and if you use a standard format for your emails you can again always save it as a template and then load it up again in the future so that you Don't always have to be constantly Coding and and styling your email the way you want it you can style it once Save it as a template and then load the template later on when you create other broadcasts as well So once all of this is set up we have a few options down here at the bottom You can run this campaign immediately Or you can schedule it for the future very powerful scheduling features there and another very powerful feature that we have here which is gonna be one of our upgrade features that We like to call our send your booster feature is the option to automatically send to your unopened emails Automatically by just filling out this information here so many marketers that are out there.

They're gonna send their email in the morning time So right now it's about noon time. So let's say that I send this email at 1:00 p. m There's gonna be obviously a good amount of people that do not see this So what I want to do down here at the bottom is eight hours later Which will be about 9 p. m.

Sandia was gonna automatically Contact the people that did not open this email and I can optionally send a different subject line as well So this is the subject line. I'm currently using but I can change this tool cool new software Ok, because for some reason or another people Did not see this email so it's either because of the time of the day or the subject line The original subject line didn't capture their attention So we are capturing. We are tackling both bases here. We're gonna Redeem all the people that did not open this email eight hours later and send the new Subject line as well.

Ok. And again, this is our send your booster feature Which is an upgrade feature if you'd like to be able to use that in your marketing campaigns It's gonna be upgrade feature number four. So just make sure you pay attention to that Once you get to the that process of your checkout order, so once this is all set up, I'm gonna go ahead and click Add and now this Campaign is scheduled to be sent 18 minutes from now Once it's sent I'm gonna be able to see complete stats just like you see here Ok And these are actual campaigns that I've said so you can see that once it gets sent You can see a summary of the stats here And then once I click this option here, I can view even more stats But here is an initial campaign that I sent out and here is the automatic Email that was sent to the people that did not open this email And you can see that process happens automatically and then I went one level deeper again To contact the people that didn't open the second email. Ok And you can see each time.

I get I reach a new audience so the first time I reached about a thousand people the second time I reached 500 and 666 people and the third time I reached over 300 people so that send your booster feature is very very very powerful So another option that we have here is to view the stats. Ok So if I click this option here, you're gonna get in-depth stat on Exactly what your sub drivers are doing if they're opening clicking How many of them are opening and clicking throughout the day and all of that good stuff as well? Okay We're also gonna be adding geo graphical that's in here as well So you can see where your subscribers are located and so some very very vital information on your subscribers. Okay? All right, but you can see here. We have a nice graph here that shows you some in-depth information about your campaigns now I can I'm not gonna scroll below here because it's gonna show all the emails that this campaign was sent to and it's Gonna show this information for each subscriber as well.

But that's how easy it is to come in here and send Broadcast to your different campaigns now. Let me go back and show you a few other options that we have as well Not only do you have the option to see those stats, but you also have the option to resend to those People and you also have the ability to duplicate that campaign So if you don't want to spend the time of formatting an entire email again You can just duplicate it and all the information for that email that you're initially wrote is gonna get copied over You can also resend in here to your subscribers based on their activity Okay, so if you choose not to pick up our send your booster feature and have this automatically done for you You can manually do it on your own The only difference is you have to log in and actually manually do this process instead of having send you'll do it automatically now that we've covered that let me show you how you can set up a Follow-up sequence for your emails as well. And the process is pretty much the same you come over here To where it says add a new sequence name your campaign And you have the option to email all the existing emails or only start the sequence for new emails that get added to your List, okay If you have subscribers that have been on here for a while And it's gonna look weird if you start adding a welcome message to them You can just choose to start this sequence for every new subscriber that gets added to your list You can choose the list that we added as well. Okay, which was I believe named your list You can see that that information gets populated automatically and here's where the magic happens for follow-up sequences The information is exactly the same you can style this However, you want okay enter your subject here enter the content here Okay, and here you can start adding another email you can see another email was added right there.

So if I add another Subject add the content there add another email boom third email shows up there and you'll be able to set up as many follow-up sequences as you want and Down here at the bottom. You can also set up a full flexible schedule Okay, so you can choose however many days in between each email The next email is sent you can choose on what days of the week this Sequences are set and you can even set the time of days that these sequence emails are sent Okay, so we have full flexibility in how your emails are sent when they're sent and all those very powerful features as well So once you're done setting up all of your emails, I'm gonna click Save sequence And now that sequence is gonna start being sent to all the new emails that get added to this list based on the schedule that I Created okay, once that starts getting sent I'll be able to track all the stats and see what's working Tweak it, whatever it may be. That's how powerful our send your email autoresponder is. So make sure you check out everything else That's on this page.

We also have a separate demo video for email for Facebook messenger and text message. So make sure you check that out as well but thank you for watching this demo video and I look forward to seeing

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